Russian Finn Association invites sailors to participate in 3 international events in Moscow

29 March 2015

Moscow will hold 3 international events with Finn class during 2015 year:

Moscow International Traditional Regatta (Finn, Snipe, Laser, Optimist) - July, 19-25, 2015,

International University Sailing Cup 2015 (Finn, Snipe), August 18 – 24, 2015

and the most exciting for Finn sailors annual event - Open Russian (Open Russian Finn Association Championship) 2015 (Finn class only) August, 25 – 30, 2015.

All the regattas will take place in Moscow Sailing School ( which hosted the 49-er World Championship, the Finn World Championship (Gold Cup) in 2005, Junior Finn World Championships (Silver Cup) 2007 and 2011 and International University Sailing Cup 2013.

The competitions will take place at Pirogovo part of the Klyazminskoye lake with quite interesting lake conditions with many shifts and enough of room for the interesting tactic games.

Very good and convenient conditions for accommodation, charter boats and easy logistics will make the trip easy, with small budget and comfortable.

Open Russian (Open Russian Finn Association Championship) 2015

This is one of the biggest European regattas in Finn class. It collects more than 70 sailors every year from many countries including European countries, US, UK. The regatta has history of participation of famous masters sailors, former participants of Olympic Games and World Championships like Andrey Balashov, Viktor Potapov, Victor Kozlov, Henry Sprague, top Russian sailors, top Italian and Ukrainian finn sailors, talented junior finnesters. Due to the point that the regatta is following the International University Sailing Cup, it is expected that bigger number of worldwide sailors will take part in the event.

The competition will be held in absolute rating and in masters (M, GM, GGM, L), in Juniors fleets and in new category - military forces - among those sailors, who are solders or officers of Armed Forces. Every year it is not just regatta but festival of Finn class as well. The meetings of good friends, concert of rock group, memory presents to every participant will take place. The regatta will be supported by Devoti Sailing Russia and by Fantastica Finn Academy. The event will be held from August, 25 till August 30, 2015. Please, visit web-site of the regatta for more details.

International University Sailing Cup 2015 (Finn, Snipe).

This is second time when the international students event will be held in the format of dinghy fleet racing. The first IUSC took place in Moscow in 2013 just before the Universiade “Kazan 2013”, in Finn class only, while the second IUSC was held at the same place in August 2014 in 2 classes – Finn (men) and Snipe (mix – one man + one lady). This time we repeate the same format as it was in year 2014.

Moscow Sailing School will be able to provide charter boats for participants.

The regatta will be held from August 18 till August 24, 2015 just before the next international big event in Finn class –“Open Russian” regatta. So the sailors will be able to participate in both events without extra cost for travelling.

Also there is a special gift to the sailors, which will be delegated by their universities: organization committee will cover their costs of accomodation and meal during the regatta.

Please, visit web-site of the regatta for more details.

Moscow International Traditional Regatta is traditional annual regatta, which will be held i19th time this year. The competition will be held in Finn, Snipe classes for junior and senior sailors and Optimist, Cadet, Laser-Radial & Laser 4,7 for children sailors. The regatta collects more than 30 of strong Finn sailors from Russia and other countries usually. Format of competition is fleet races. The regatta will be held from July, 19 till July, 25, 2015. Please, follow for more information.

Conditions for sailors:


Sailors and accompany persons can stay at Moscow Sailing School hotel just near the place where their boats will stay. Approximate price is 30 Euro per night for one person (3 times per day Meal is included into the price of the accommodation).

Charter boats:

Moscow Sailing School will provide for charter on demand 50 fully equipped Finn boats (Devoti 2004, build for Gold Cup 2005) and 20 fully equipped Snipe boats (including sails).

Conditions for charter are the following:

One fully equipped Finn boat (Devoti 2004, build for Gold Cup 2005) and one mast (Hit Mast, bend numbers are available) or one fully equipped Snipe boat including rig & sails can be provided to each participant for charter on demand under damage deposit of 400 Euro. You are invited to bring your sails (for Finn class) and personal equipment only.

Charter charges are the following

Open Russian (only Finn boats): 150 Euro for the whole event for senior sailors and free of charge for juniors.

International University Sailing Cup (Finn&Snipe): free of charge for all sailors

Moscow International Traditional Regatta (Finn&Snipe): free of charge for all sailors.

Practice before the events: 50 Euro per day for Finn and 30 Euro per day for Snipe.


Moscow Sailing School is placed just 12 km from the international Sheremetievo airport. Pick up service can be provided for foreign participants upon their request.

Russian Finn Association, Russian Students Sailing League and Moscow Sailing School will be glad to see you at the regatta.

Добро пожаловать, Гость!

  все видео о классе ФиннОфициальный представитель Devoti Sailing в РоссииМагазин спортивной экипировки H2O - скидки для членов Ассоциации класса ФиннВнешТрейдСервис - официальный партнер Ассоциации класса Финн по поставке оборудования и снаряжения для организаций

Comming birthdays

09 февраля
Кулюкин Александр

19 февраля
Бутенко Владимир

24 февраля
Баканев Антон