Fantastica Finn Academy - Joint project of Fantastica Sailing Team, Russian and Italian Finn Associations

10 March 2013

Fantastica Sailing Team together with Russian and Italian Finn Associations have organized joint training project for Finn sailors – Fantastica Finn Academy.

The cooperation was organized in the form of exchange of Russian and Italian sailors in participation in national regattas and in the form of the training camp at Garda lake in Malcesine.

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Russian sailors are taking part in regattas of Coppa Italia and Italian masters competitions while Fantastica Sailing team will support several best Italian sailors to take part in Open Russian international regatta and in the International University Sailing Cup.

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The international camps at Garda lake have collected international coach teams from Italia, Russia and Croatia. Russian and Italian junior sailors prepare for Silver cup there together with senior sailors, which work as reference and competitive environment while preparing for their own regatta plans. The training process on the water was accompanied by analysis on a shore. In addition to the training process  the experienced strong finnester and One Design sails maker Karlo Kuret has shared by his knowledge of masts characteristics, dynamics, philosophy of sails making process and some other important pin nuts for finn sailors. This work was accompanied by practical investigations with experimental sails and cameras, which could track sail shape in different conditions.

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In spite of very cold weather at Garda in winter time the struggle on the water and training temp were very hot while the communication atmosphere was very warm.

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We think that the Fantastica Finn Academy is good example and chance to extend international connections as well as to grow up new young sailors. Russian and Italian Finn Associations would like to thank to Fantastica Sailing team for this project.

Добро пожаловать, Гость!

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Comming birthdays

09 февраля
Кулюкин Александр

19 февраля
Бутенко Владимир

24 февраля
Баканев Антон