29 March 2015

Moscow will hold 3 international events with Finn class during 2015 year:  
Moscow International Traditional Regatta (Finn, Snipe, Laser, Optimist) - June, 19-25, 2015,
International University Sailing Cup 2015 (Finn, Snipe), August 18 – 24, 2015 (http://www.iusc.ru)
and the most exciting for Finn sailors annual event - Open Russian (Open Russian Finn Association Championship) 2015 (Finn class only) August, 25 – 30, 2015 (http://www.open-russian.ru).
All the regattas will take place in Moscow Sailing School which hosted the 49-er World Championship, the Finn World Championship (Gold Cup) in 2005, Junior Finn World Championships (Silver Cup) 2007 and 2011 and International University Sailing Cup 2013. The competitions will take place at the Klyazminskoye lake with quite interesting lake conditions with many shifts and enough of room for the interesting tactic games. Very good and convenient conditions for accommodation, charter boats and easy logistics will make the trip easy with small budget and comfortable.

13 September 2013
The 5th international regatta Open Russian – Open Championship of Russian Finn Association took place in Moscow from September, 3rd till September 8th. As usually this regatta has collected big number of sailors (more than 70) from 5 nations (Italia, Ukraine, Russia, Litvaniya and Byelorussia) and from different areas of Russia. Italia and Ukraine brought really strong teams this time.Michele Paoletti takes the Golds of Open Russian 2013
12 July 2013
Aleksander Novikov, one of the founders and most active members of Russian Finn Association, has died on July, 10 after a road accident in Ukraine. The Finn Association mourns the untimely passing of our friend and companion.
04 June 2013
18 sailors (including 2 ladies) from 7 nations participated in the first International University Sailing Cup (Finn) in Moscow. 6 fleet races and one medal race were carried out during 5 days. The main competition was held between 6 sailors: 3 Russian top sailors Egor Terpigorev (Silver at Junior European Championship 2011), Victor Filippov, Arkadiy Kistanov (Gold at Silver Cup 2011, Bronze at Silver Cup 2012), Great Britain sailor Peter Mccoy, Kirgiz student Ilya Ignatiev and Byelorussian finnester Konstantin Lashuk. Finally Egor Terpigoriev has took the win, Victor Filippov is the second, Arkadiy Kistanov is the third. Alisa Kiriluyk (Russia) has became the winner among ladies.
30 May 2013
В соревнованиях принимают участие 18 спортсменов (14 юношей и 4 девушки) из 6-ти стран: России, Великобритании, Италии, Франции, Киргизии, Белоруссии. В первый день проведено 2 гонки. На первом месте лидирует Егор Терпигорьев, на втором - Виктор Филлипов, на третьем - Сергей Акулиничев.
29 May 2013
Yesterday was the Opening ceremony of the International University Sailing Cup. Students from everywhere came to Moscow thanks to the Russian Finn Association in a sportive, competitive and friendly atmosphere.
29 May 2013
Yesterday was the Opening ceremony of the International University Sailing Cup. Students from everywhere came to Moscow thanks to the Russian Finn Association in a sportive, competitive and friendly atmosphere.
23 April 2013
Russian Finn Association has anouncied special offer to the experienced finn and laser sailors, which would come to IUSC on May, 28 - June, 02: RFA will cover entry fee and decrease deposit down to 100 Euro. The candidate should register at the regatta web-site and to send their CV to RFA by April, 28.
10 March 2013
Fantastica Sailing Team together with Russian and Italian Finn Associations have organized joint training project for Finn sailors – Fantastica Finn Academy. The cooperation is organized in the form of exchange of Russian and Italian sailors in participation in national regattas and in the form of the training camps at Garda lake in Malcesine.
27 February 2013
All the sailors are welcome to register for participation in the international Students event
22 February 2013
All sailors and guests are able now to receive detailed information about all aspects of the event and to register to the regatta.
20 February 2013
When sailing was not included in the programme for the 2013 World University Summer Games, the Russian Finn Association seized the opportunity to create a new sailing event for students – the International University Sailing Cup (Finn). This will be held in Moscow in May and will be sailed in the Moscow Sailing School's fleet of Finns. Russian Finn Association invites sailors to participate in the event
16 February 2013
From 12-15 February Yacht Club de Cannes hosted 84 Finn sailors from 18 European countries as some of the London 2012 Olympians mixed with some of the grand masters of Finn sailing. Over seven competitive races Russia's Eduard Skornyakov took the final honours with a consistent display of racing. After the first day of racing was postponed the Russian came out flying on the second day and enjoyed the 5-8 knot southerly breeze to take a bullet, a second and a sixth.
25 January 2013
Лыжные гонки пройдут в Березовой роще в районе станции Новодачная Савеловской железной дороги. Приглашаем всех желающих, гостей и болельщиков. Начало в 12-00.
24 January 2013
Надеемся, что это решение Президента РФ поможет нам в привлечении внимания к Международному Студенческому Кубку по парусному спорту, который проводится в Москве в преддверии Всемирной Универсиады, и продвинуть идею организации в 2014 году в России Чемпионата Мира по парусному спорту среди студентов.
16 May 2012
International Federation of Students Sport has supported idea to carry out International Students Sailing event in May. 2013 in Moscow
06 July 2010
registration for participants is now open. You are welcome to reserve accomodation and charter boats for you
16 December 2009
прошло торжественное вручение дипломов лареатам и призерам номинаций по результатам сезона 2009 г, были обсуждены итоги прошедшего года и планы на будующий год
26 September 2008
44 finnesters joined the regatta. Olexiy Borisov took the main prize. Mikhail Apukhtin has became a champion of First Open Russian Masters.
Добро пожаловать, Гость!

  все видео о классе ФиннОфициальный представитель Devoti Sailing в РоссииМагазин спортивной экипировки H2O - скидки для членов Ассоциации класса ФиннВнешТрейдСервис - официальный партнер Ассоциации класса Финн по поставке оборудования и снаряжения для организаций

Comming birthdays

26 января
Барцев Виктор

28 января
Прибылов Вадим

09 февраля
Кулюкин Александр