Russian Finn class mourns Aleksander Novikov

12 July 2013


Aleksander Novikov, one of the founders and most active members of Russian Finn Association, has died on July, 10 after a road accident in Ukraine.
He was killed when a large truck coming in the opposite direction and collided with the car that was being driven by Alexander. As a result of this accident, Alexander has died.
Aleksandr Novikov was a strong sailor in FD and a member of USSR national team. In 1990-2000 he was working as Principal Race Officer and organised many regattas in sailboards. Later he started to participate in regattas in Finn class and became one of founders of Russian Finn Association.
He selflessly and devotedly loved sailing, fully invested all his time, money, talent and soul into the development of Finn class in Rostov area, the education of young sailors, and in the development of Finn Association.
Thanks largely to his work as an fleet officer a winter training program in class Finn in Sochi was maintained and developed. Alexander had his own strong ambitions as a racer, but nevertheless he suppressed them for the sake of organising and conducting stages of Winter Cup of the Russian Finn Association in Sochi, and those regattas were brilliantly organised and conducted.
His talent as the judge and organiser was highly valued by all athletes who have competed under him. His teaching of enthusiasm, optimism, commitment to goals and culture of yacht handling and maintenance will remain in soul of many athletes who experienced this with him.
r was a people person, the soul of the party and participated in all endeavours. He took part in Christmas regatta in Sochi every year, most of regattas in Sochi, Taganrog, Moscow and in all our travels to international events (Europeans, World Finn Masters, European Finn Masters).

His cheerfulness, enthusiasm and energy lifted and supported many other sailors.
He was always a reliable friend and comrade and at any moment he was ready to help and to support you in any way. And together with this man you can confidently make any deal, move mountains.

The Finn Association mourns the untimely passing of our friend and companion.


Russian Finn Assocation
10 July 2013





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Comming birthdays

19 февраля
Бутенко Владимир

24 февраля
Баканев Антон

04 марта
Касатов Александр