Egor Terpigorev takes the first International Universty Sailing Cup

04 June 2013



Moscow hosted first International University Sailing Cup, which was held under endorcement of the International Univesrity Sports Federation (FISU) prior to the Summer Students Olympic Games - Universiade "Kazan 2013".

16 sailors (including 2 ladies)  from 7 nations (Great Britain, France, Italy, Byelorussia, Kirgiztan, Ukraine and Russia) were fighting for the first International Cup in students sport in Finn class.


Also the Race Comittee was headed by experienced PRO Pierluidgi De Luise (Italy), and the jury was international: with representatives from Italy, Greece, Romania and Russia; Thanks to their competence but also to their friendly apparel the regatta happened a great sailing event.

The regatta started from light winds in such way as the race comittee managed to cary out only 2 races during first day.

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Peter Mc Coy, a British student from Plymouth University, England, won the first race. The second race was won by Egor Terpigorev from the Moscow sailing school Khlevnikovo.

After the first race Peter McCoy commented:

Today was a difficult start to the regatta. We had two light and shifty races. The first race was good for me. I managed to stay in phase with the shifts upwind and had good speed downwind; this enabled me to win the first race. The second race was again shifty and difficult. Unfortunately, I sailed into a wind hole on the last downwind and lost a few places. But overall I’m happy with the first day, and tomorrow is another day. All competitors are very competitive and welcoming, it’s a good first experience in Moscow.

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Two next days appeared without races. Taking the chance, the head of the International Juri Piero Occhetto carried out mini-seminar among salors for 42-rule during one of those days. 

On June, 1-st the wind came back to Moscow and allowed to hold another 2 races. Actually there were 3 races, but the last one was abandoned due to very shifty conditions.  

Victor Fillipov (RUS) won both races of that day and became leader of the regatta, followed by Egor Terpigorev (RUS), the leader of the previous day, and by Ilya Ignatiev (KGZ).

Regarding the last day, it was planned to carry out 1 medal and 1 final races in the front of the Moscow Sailing School. But the good wind conditions of that day and strong desire of all sailors to continue the buttle on the water moved organizers to keep the racing area at the same place as before and to carry out another 2 fleet races before the medal race.

The Principal Race Officer of the regatta Pierluidgi De Luise commented: "The last day of the races has wiped out the impression of Moscow as of the lake without wind.  Moscow can really have the good winds and we are able to make the good races!"

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The first race of the last day was won by Arkadiy Kistanov (RUS) with Egor Terpigorev (RUS) as second. The second race of that day came to Egor.   Finally He approached to the leader Victor Filippov with equal points before the medal race, while Arkadiy Kistanov was the third with Ilyya Ignatiev (KGZ) and Konstantin Lashuk (BLR) very close to him.

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The medal race appointed the final order of the leaders: Egor Terpigorev managed to win the duel with Victor Filippov, while Arkadiy Kistanov saved his 3-rd place, although it was done with zero margin to the end.

The final  ranking of the top 6:


RUS 57




















BLR 18

LASHUK Konstantin




GBR 29





The full results are here

 Prize-giving ceremony was held in very warm and friendly atmosphere - each participant recieved diploma of the regatta. Russian Finn Association prepared special gifts for foreign guests (sailors and judjes) - unique copies of the Finn boat, which were made in Gzhel style (the famouse Russian national handicraft).


The famouse Russian Finn sailors Oleg Khoperskiy and Victor Potapov awarded top 3  young sailors. It was more pleasnt for Oleg Khoperskiy since all three top sailors were coached by him across last year.


The guest of the regatta - executiive director of the Russian Students Sport Union Oleg Khramtsov denoted high level of the regatta. He said: "We see growing interest to the students sailing sport and good organization skills of the Russian Finn Association as well as perfect venue of the Moscow Sailing School for the events of such level. It is very important to continue carriing out this regatta annually and to make it traditional."

The president of Russian Finn Association Vasiliy Kravchenko commented this message: "there is an idea to hold the International University Sailing Cup (Finn) annualy at the end of August, since that time is always windy in Moscow as well as that time is more convenient for students."


We congratulate all students and finn sailors with one more good international event as well as first international event for students in finn class and see you in Moscow again at Open Russian (September, 02-09)

Please, have a look of photo-gallery of the University Cup by the following links:








Добро пожаловать, Гость!

  все видео о классе ФиннОфициальный представитель Devoti Sailing в РоссииМагазин спортивной экипировки H2O - скидки для членов Ассоциации класса ФиннВнешТрейдСервис - официальный партнер Ассоциации класса Финн по поставке оборудования и снаряжения для организаций

Comming birthdays

09 февраля
Кулюкин Александр

19 февраля
Бутенко Владимир

24 февраля
Баканев Антон