Finn International University Sailing Cup is Open!

29 May 2013

Finn International University Sailing Cup is open!


Yesterday was the Opening ceremony of the International University Sailing Cup. Students from everywhere came to Moscow thanks to the Russian Finn Association in a sportive, competitive and friendly atmosphere. Eighteen  competitors from six different countries took part in this event with the pioneering participation of womens. Today the two first races have taken place in a sunny and light wind day, even if in the beginning Moscow’s welcome was not so good… After a long rainy morning,  sailors finally jumped on their boat.

Everybody sailed well in the first race, with a very tight finish. Peter Mc Coy, a British student from Plymouth University, England, won the first race. Even if the wind has fallen, the second race was won by Egor Terpigorev from the Moscow sailing school Khlevnikovo. “Molodets” (congratulations) to Alisa Kirilyuk who defended well the girl participation, she is now 9th. Also the jury is international: with representatives from Italy, Greece, Romania and Russia; Thanks to their competence but also to their friendly  apparel today has been a great sailing day.


Peter Mc Coy

How was your day?

Today was a difficult start to the regatta. We had two light and shifty races. The first race was good for me. I managed to stay in phase with the shifts upwind and had good speed downwind; this enabled me to win the first race. The second race was again shifty and difficult. Unfortunately, I sailed into a wind hole on the last downwind and lost a few places. But overall I’m happy with the first day, and tomorrow is another day.

All competitors are very competitive and welcoming, it’s a good first experience in Moscow.

How was your first time in Moscow?

I enjoyed the red square, we saw some really nice places and we have a great moment.


please, follow results of the event /regatta2013/regata_2850_76.aspx?view=results


Добро пожаловать, Гость!

  все видео о классе ФиннОфициальный представитель Devoti Sailing в РоссииМагазин спортивной экипировки H2O - скидки для членов Ассоциации класса ФиннВнешТрейдСервис - официальный партнер Ассоциации класса Финн по поставке оборудования и снаряжения для организаций

Comming birthdays

09 февраля
Кулюкин Александр

19 февраля
Бутенко Владимир

24 февраля
Баканев Антон