Notice of Race

International University Sailing Cup (Finn) 2013, Notice of race

International University Sailing Cup (Finn) 2013

Moscow school Khlebnikovo

Moscow, Russia

28 of May – 02 of June 2013


1.            Organizing Authority and Venue

               The International University Sailing Cup (Finn) 2013 will be held from May, 28 to June, 02 in Moscow, Russia. The Organizing Authority is the Russian Finn Association, in conjunction with Moscow School “Khlebnikovo” (MSK), International University Sports Federation, Russian Students Sport Union, International Finn Association and Russian Yachting Federation.

               The International University Sailing Cup (Finn) 2013 is endorsed by International Federation of University Sport (FISU)

               The Regatta Center will be: 

               Moscow school Khlebnikovo

                141044, Der.Novo-Aleksandrovo, p/o Troitskoe, Mitischinsky region, Moscow Area, Russia

               Phone/fax: +74955792257/+74955792258

               e-mail:         web:


2.            Rules

2.1          The regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2013-2016 (RRS),  and the Finn Class major championship rules except as altered by Notice of Race or the Sailing Instructions.

2.2          The prescriptions of the National Authority will not apply.

2.3          If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence.

2.4          Any Coach travelling to this event is responsible for supplying a Country Flag for any countries for which they will coach. Such flag(s) must be displayed aboard any coach or support boat while afloat in the vicinity of the racing area.

2.5          RRS 40 is changed as follow: All competitors are required to wear a life jacket or other adequate personal flotation device while racing.

2.6          RRS 62.2 and RRS 66 will be changed to shorten the times for requesting redress and for requesting that a hearing be reopened on the last day of racing.

3.            Advertizing

3.1          The regatta is designated as ISAF regulation 20 (Advertising code).

3.2          Boats may be required to display advertising of the event sponsor on the forward 25% of each side hull. Such advertising, if any, shall be affixed to the hull in accordance with the Sailing Instructions.

4.            Eligibility and Entry

4.1          Eligible competitors shall

  • be a national of the country he/she represents,
  • be at least 17 and less than 28 years of age on January 1st 2013.
  • meet the conditions laid down under Art. 5.2 and 5.4 of FISU Regulations

4.2          Only skippers invited by the OA will be eligible to enter this event.

4.3          Only the representatives entered by their National University Sport Federation will be eligible to enter this event.

4.4          ISAF classification requirement will not apply.

4.5          All competitors shall meet the eligibility requirements of ISAF regulation 19.2.

4.6          All competitors shall obtain an ISAF Sailor ID by registering online at Skippers shall inform the OA of their ISAF Sailor ID at registration.

4.7          Entries must be submitted on the Official Entry Form available on the official website or through the National Finn Secretaries.

               The fully completed Entry Form shall be received no later than the 28st of May 2012.

               The entry form is available at official website .

4.8          No entry is complete until it has been accepted by the Organizing Authority.

4.9          Measurement Certificates must be presented at on-site registration in accordance with RRS 78.2.

5.            Entry Fee

5.1          The Entry Fee is 130 Euro or its equivalent in Russian Rubles, and it shall be paid no later than 17:00 hrs the 28st of May to the Organizing Authority.

               Payment of the Entry Fee can be made in cash upon registration or by bank transfer to (will be confirmed later on)

6.            Schedule


Time/Warning signal


May 28th2013

09:00 to 17:00



Registration and Measurement

Skippers meeting

Opening Ceremony

May 29th2013


Warning signal of the 1st race

May 30th2013


Races   back to back

May 31st2013


Races   back to back

June 01st2013


Races   back to back

June 02nd2013



Medal Race

Prize Giving Ceremony

6.1          Eight (8) race opening series is scheduled. Maximum 3 races will be sailed per day.

6.2         Each day succeeding races will be started as soon as practicable after the finish of the previous races.

6.3         The medal race is scheduled for the last day of the event.

6.4         Any race for which a warning signal is not given by 14:30 hours on the last day of the regatta will be abandoned and not re-sailed.

6.5         Unless excused by the OA, attendance at the following is mandatory:

  1. General meeting for all participants,
  2. Daily briefing for skippers,
  3. Daily press conferences for skippers sailing that day,
  4. Opening and closing ceremonies for all participants.

7.            Boats, Sails and personal equipment

7.1.         60 complete Finns of the DEVOTI Sailing Ltd. (2005) in racing conditions (except sails) will be lent to the competitors, boats are available in order of receipt of applications. The competitors need to have their own sails and personal flotation equipment.

7.2          the charter boats are provided free of charge under refundable deposit of Euros 400-.

7.3.         Competitors will sail either own or charter boat upon their choice

7.4.        While racing, competitors may be required to wear bibs displaying the regatta logo and other identification information. The bibs will be provided by the OA. These will be worn outside of all other clothing.

7.5.        The competitors will use their own personal flotation devices (life jacket).

8.            Measurement

8.1          All competitors shall hold a valid measurement and class registration certificate.

8.2          Each boat shall have a tow rope a minimum of 8 meters in length and of sufficient strength to tow several boats.

8.3          Wet closing, measurement and equipment checks may be made throughout   the Regatta at the discretion of the Class Representative, Race Committee or the International Jury.

9.            Sailing Instructions

9.1          The Sailing Instructions (SI) will be available at the information desk on May, 28 upon on-site registration.

10.          Racing Area

10.1          The racing areas will be specified in the SI.   

11.          Courses

               Courses will be as per the current International Finn Association Championship Rules.

12.          Scoring

12.1        4 races shall be completed to constitute the International University Sailing Cup.

12.2        The Linear Scoring System according Appendix A will apply.

13.          Radio and telephone communication

13.1        Radio and telephone communication is forbidden for competitors unless for safety reason

14.          International Jury

14.1        An International Jury will be appointed in accordance with the rule Appendix N.

14.2        Decisions of the Jury will be final as provided in rule 70.5

15.          Prizes

15.1       Medals will be awarded to the first three skippers.

15.2       Each competitor/coach/official will receive a Certification of Participation.

15.3       The Organizing Authority may set up additional prizes

16.          Disclaimer

16.1        Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to race. The Organizing Authority will require each competitor to sign a waiver for loss, damage or injury to persons or properties occurring in conjunction with the regatta or on the Yacht Club premises. The Organizing Authority and the International Finn Association, and their respective members, employees, officers and/or agents shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury that may occur to person or property whether ashore or at sea as a consequence of the participation of any boat.

17.          Insurance

17.1        Insurance All competitors are required to have third party insurance of 1.0 million euro. The insurance policy document shown at accreditation shall be the original issued by the insurance company. If the OA does not agree to accept the insurance certificate provided, all the crew members must subscribe the insurance provided by the OA. All competitors shall produce a certificate of insurance at registration (in English).

18.          Photography consent

18.1        By entering the International University Sailing Cup competitors accept that they may be photographed and/or videotaped participating in the race and/or using the regattas facilities and they consent to the taking of such images and to use, reuse, publication and republication of such images in any media, in conjunction with the competitors name or not, without compensation and without the competitors approval of such images or any use thereof.

19.          Finance

19.1        All costs of accommodation, daily meal, competitors and boats transportations, charter fee are the subject to be borne by the competitors or their teams.

20.          Safety

20.1        The regatta venue is equipped by necessary safety facilities in accordance with local safety regulations.

20.2        Medical specialists will stay at the regatta venue during the event.

21.          Information



Phone: +7-499-641-00-55

Fax: +7-495-408-25-88



For extra information and details, please contact:

International University Sports Federation: 

Phone: 32.2.6406873

Fax: 32.2.6401805



Добро пожаловать, Гость!

  все видео о классе ФиннОфициальный представитель Devoti Sailing в РоссииМагазин спортивной экипировки H2O - скидки для членов Ассоциации класса ФиннВнешТрейдСервис - официальный партнер Ассоциации класса Финн по поставке оборудования и снаряжения для организаций

Скоро день рождения

26 января
Барцев Виктор

28 января
Прибылов Вадим

09 февраля
Кулюкин Александр