Документы регаты:

Common information
Полезная информация

Сроки проведения: 27.05.2012-01.06.2012
(включая дни приезда и отъезда)
Место проведения:

Common information




0                      NAME OF EVENT


0.1               The name of the event is: Finn World Master Championship 2012.


0.2               In this document the Finn World Master Championship 2012 will be referred to as the


Masters 2012”.


1            RULES


1.1               The Masters 2012 will be governed by the rules as defined in the ISAF document The RacingRules of Sailing 2009-2012 (“RRS”).


1.2               No national prescriptions will apply.


1.3               The IFA Finn Class Rules will apply except for changing Finn Class Rule C1.1.(2) as indicated in Appendix P5.


1.4               The RRS will be changed as follows:


-Rule 28.1: Except at a gate, boats shall pass between the race committee boat signalling the change of the next leg and the nearby mark, leaving the mark to port and the race committee boat to starboard


-Rule 30.2: Z flag rule will not be used.


-  Rule 35, A4, A5: Boats failing to finish within thirty (30) minutes after the first boat sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish without a hearing.


-Rule 40: Flag “Y” will not be displayed.


-Add rule 41(e): help to recover a crew member from the water and to return the crew member to the boat before the boat continues in the race.


-Rule 44.3 Scoring Penalty will not apply.


-Rule 60.1(a): Breaches of instructions 11.3, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25 and 26 will not be grounds for a protest by a boat.


-  Rule 62.1.a Official boats: Failure for the official boats to be on station or to fly their designated flag will not constitute a ground for protest or redress. This changes RRS rule 62.1.a.


-Rule(s) 62.2 and 66: these will be changed to shorten the time for requesting redress and a hearing to be opened on the last day of the Masters 2012.


-Rule 63.7: If there is a conflict between the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions, the Sailing Instructions and Supplementary Instructions shall take precedence.


-Rule A4: A boat starting later than four (4) minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start without a hearing.


1.5               The changes will appear in full in the Sailing Instructions. The Sailing Instructions may also change other racing rules.


1.6               If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence.


1.7               RRS, Appendix P, Immediate Penalties for Breaking Rule 42, will apply (Attachment D).


1.8               The final decisions on any matters not covered by the RRS and the International Jury shall rest with IFA.


1.9               The maximum wind speed to allow a race to be started or abandoned will be twenty (20) knots in the entire racing area. The decision to start or abandon a race will be made by the race committee.


1.10          All competitors shall have personal floatation in accordance with the RRS 1.2. Personal floatation to be of a suitable size and certified by an internationally recognized authority or in writing by the National Authority of the competitor





Advertising will be according ISAF Advertising Code.


Boats  may  be  required  to  display  advertising  chosen  and  supplied  by  the  Organizing


Authority. The advertising stickers, if any, shall be affixed to the hull in accordance with the


Sailing Instructions.




3.1               The regatta is open to boats of the Finn Class with helmsman born in 1972 or before. They must be current members of an IFA recognized National Finn Association.


3.2               Eligible boats may enter by completing the official Entry Form for the Masters 2012 as


published on the Finn World Masters 2012 website. Fully completed entry forms should be received no later than May 11th, 2012. After completing and sending


the Entry Form the competitor agrees to pay the Entry Fee as defined in para. 5.2. Only after receipt of his payment a competitor’s entry is valid.


3.3              Late entries (after May 11th, 2012) will be accepted under the condition that they will be charged £180,= (Normal entry fee + 50% penalty).


3.5               All entries, when accepted, will be displayed on the Finn World Masters 2012 event website. This display can be considered as a confirmation.


3.6              Valid Measurement Certificates must be presented at registration.


4                     CLASSIFICATION


The ISAF Sailor Classification Code will apply.


5                    FEES


5.1              The entry fee will be £ 120,= (including € 10,= for the Masters Fund) and shall be paid as indicated in Par. 5.2


5.3               PAYMENT OF THE ENTRY FEE

The entry fee has to be paid before or on May 11th, 2012. Entries made or paid after this date will be charged £180,= (Normal entry fee + 50% penalty)


Payment instructions:


Payment can be made on the online booking system through PSC Google Checkout (you will be directed to the site from the online booking form)


OR: find bank details in Race Entry conformation email to do a bank transfer


All competitors are kindly requested to show a proof of payment at Registration.◄



6.1               The Masters’ 2012 will be scheduled for a non-scoring practice Race, and a series with a maximum of eight scoring Races for each boat. For the last day, approximately ten competitors may be allocated to a separate Medal Race with separate scoring.


6.2               Except for the Medal Race, each Race may be divided into groups, called Colour Groups of as nearly as possible, equal size and ability.


6.3               The aim for the group size will be 125 competitors per group. The final decision for the group sizing will be made by the Masters President in conjunction with the Organizing Authority.


6.4               If Races are divided into Colour Groups:


For the Practice Race and the first racing day, competitors will be divided randomly.


For the 2nd till the 4th racing days, competitors will be divided using the overall result at the end of each previous day.


6.5               For the final day, competitors will be divided into Colour Groups, if applicable, using the overall result on the previous day, but excluding the top ten competitors plus competitors with equal points to place nr 10. (Top Ten Plus)


The Top Ten Plus sailors will sail the Medal Race.


6.6              Overall results will be based on the boat’s score for the series, with one discard if sufficient races, as mentioned in Par. 13.5, have been completed.


6.6.1        The score of the Top Ten Plus in the Medal Race will not be discarded.








7.1 - 7.5





















May 25th, 2012



Registration and Measurement





May 26th, 2012



Registration and Measurement




May 27th, 2012

09.00    12.00

Registration and Measurement





Practice Race





Opening Ceremony




May 28th, 2012

First warning signal at 12.00

1 or 2 Races




May 29th, 2012

First warning signal at 12.00

1 or 2 Races





May 30th, 2012



Annual Masters Meeting



First warning signal at 13.00

1 or 2 Races





May 30th, 2012



Official Dinner




May 31st, 2012

First warning signal at 12.00

1 or 2 Races




June 1st, 2012

Warning signal at 12.00

1 Group Race



Warning signal at 14.00

1 Medal Race (Top Ten plus)




June 1st, 2012

As soon as possible

Prize Giving Ceremony





Closing Ceremony








Note: Schedule and times above mentioned may be changed by Organizing Authority via the Sailing Instructions.

7.6               Maximum eight races are scheduled for the event.


7.7               No warning signal will be given after 15.00 on the last day of racing, except for a general recall.


7.8               In the event of any day’s sailing being lost an additional race may be scheduled for the following day(s) to enable race(s) to be sailed. A maximum of two races per day will be sailed.


7.9              It is requested by the International Finn Class and the organizers to attend the Opening and Closing Ceremonies.


8            MEASUREMENTS


8.1               All competitors shall hold a valid measurement and class registration certificate.


8.2               Two sails and two masts per boat shall be stamped or identified. Safety equipment may undergo random checks according the Finn Class Rules (including item 10 of Part C "Major Championship Rules"), unless otherwise decided by the Chief Measurer.


8.3               Boats shall have a current IFA sticker affixed to the hull.


8.4               Each boat shall have a floating tow rope with a minimum length of eight (8) meters and of sufficient strength to tow several boats.


8.5              Boats may be re-measured at any time during the Masters 2012.


9                     SAILING INSTRUCTIONS


The Sailing Instructions will be available at Registration on the registration days as shown in Par. 7.


10                VENUE


10.0            Please check on the official website of the Regatta: www.finnworldmasters2012.info


10.1            Attachment B shows the location of the regatta harbour.


10.2          Attachment C shows the approximate location of the race area.


11           COURSES


11.1            The courses to be sailed will be either the Windward-Leeward-Triangle (Olympic) course, or the Trapezoid Course (Inner Loop or Outer Loop) according to the RRS, Appendix L, Addendum A.


11.2            The diagrams in Attachment D show the courses, including the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left.


11.3          In case of three (3) or more Colour Groups there will be sailed on two (2) Race Areas.


12           PENALTY SYSTEM


12.1          Decisions of the jury will be final as provided in rule 70.4.


13           SCORING


3.1              Scoring will be based upon the Low Point system (RRS Appendix A4).


13.1.1    Each Color Group of each race will be scored according to the Low Point System (1, 2, 3 points etc).


13.2            A total of four or more races are required to be completed to constitute a series.


13.3          When fewer than five races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.


13.5          When five or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.


13.6            Subject to RRS 69, all competitors qualifying for the medal race will have a final ranking before any other competitor.


13.7            Competitors qualifying for the Medal Race will be scored double points for this race and this score will not be discarded.


13.8          The rankings for the Age Categories (M, GM, GGM, LEGEND) will be taken from the overall rankings, without recalculation.


14           SUPPORT BOATS


14.1            Coaches, team leaders and representatives from participating nations shall be registered at the Registration Office before the first day of racing.


14.2          Support boats shall be marked with a sticker of their national flag or of their three national letters on each side of the boat, or fly their national flag.


15                 BERTHING


Boats shall be kept in their assigned places, designated for Finns.


16                 HAUL-OUT RESTRICTIONS


Not applicable.




Not applicable.


18                 RADIO COMMUNICATION


Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.


19                PRIZES


19.1          Perpetual prizes for:


1.    First place in the Overall Result (The Masters World Champion)


2.    First Grand Master


3.    First Grand Grand Master


4.    First Legend


5.    First Lady


6.    The first sailor outside the prizes in the Overall Result (i.e the eleventh sailor in the Overall Result)


19.2            Medals for:


1.    Top three Masters


2.    Top three Grand Masters


3.    Top three Grand Grand Masters


4.    Top three Legends


5.    First Lady in the Overall Result


19.3            Memento for each Legend


19.4            Prizes (i.e. Cups) for the top ten sailors in the Overall Result.


19.5          The prize giving ceremony shall be held as soon as possible after the end of the last race.


20                 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY


Competitors participate in the World Championship Finn Masters 2012 entirely at their own


risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The Organizing Authority and any other party involved in the organization of the Championship will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the Championship.


21                 INSURANCE


Each competing boat shall be insured with valid third-party insurance with a minimum cover of Euro 1,250,000 per event, for the entire duration of the Masters 2012. It shall be the sole and inescapable responsibility of the competitor to have such an insurance cover and to provide written proof thereof to the Organizing Authority upon request.


22                 FURTHER INFORMATION


Finn World Master: www.finnworldmaster.com and webmaster@finnworldmaster.com Organizing Authority Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club (CHPSC)


Gareth Roberts Events Manager


Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club Pwllheli


Gwynedd Wales LL53 5YT


events@pwllhelisailingclub.co.uk +44 (0)1758 613343


President of Finn World Master Association: fonsvangent@gmail.com




By participating in the Masters 2012, a competitor automatically grants the Organizing Authority and the sponsors of the Masters 2012, the right to, in perpetuity, make, use and show, from time to time and at their discretion, any (still) motion pictures, live, taped or filmed television and other reproductions of the competitor and its material, during the period he/she participates in the competition Masters 2012 without any compensation.


24                 ACCOMMODATION


Accommodation can be found on championship website. www.finnworlsmasters2012.info


25                 HOUSING, CAMPERS/CARAVANS


Limited number of Campers/Caravans can be booked in on the online booking form.


Добро пожаловать, Гость!

  все видео о классе ФиннОфициальный представитель Devoti Sailing в РоссииМагазин спортивной экипировки H2O - скидки для членов Ассоциации класса ФиннВнешТрейдСервис - официальный партнер Ассоциации класса Финн по поставке оборудования и снаряжения для организаций

Comming birthdays

19 февраля
Бутенко Владимир

24 февраля
Баканев Антон

04 марта
Касатов Александр